AS Job Opportunities
Looking for an opportunity to get involved while also having a great on campus job? Working for Associated Students is a great way to gain meaningful experience in a largely student run organization.
For all student hourly positions, view the full job descriptions and apply on Handshake. Questions? Contact us.
Job Openings
Accounting & Admin Assistant
Under the supervision of the AS Office Support Coordinator or the AS Business Office Specialist the Accounting and Admin Assistant serves as a central point of contact and support for students, faculty, staff, and the public, combining front desk customer service with essential accounting and administrative functions. This role ensures efficient operations for the Associated Students, providing assistance with inquiries, financial transactions, and general office tasks.
JOB ID #9762183 | Application closes 3/28/2025
CalFresh Assistant
Under the supervision of the AS Basic Needs & Community Service Coordinator, the CalFresh Assistant will support BNI by assisting CalFresh outreach efforts. The CalFresh Assistant will collaborate with the CalFresh Coordinator to market CalFresh and meet program goals. The CalFresh Assistant will promote CalFresh through campus-wide events, Lobo’s Pantry, and other outlets. The CalFresh Assistant will recruit on-campus and off-campus partners to provide additional food resources for students. The CalFresh Assistant will assist students with the CalFresh application process. This position requires a high level of confidentiality and the ability to work independently and on a team.
JOB ID #9683417 | Application closes 3/28/2025
Basic Needs Assistant
Under the supervision of the AS Basic Needs & Community Service Coordinator, the Basic Needs Assistant will support BNI by facilitating the operation and promotion of Lobo’s Pantry. In addition, the Basic Needs Assistant will plan and execute events and outreach to educate students about available food resources. The Basic Needs Assistant will support the Lobo’s Pantry Coordinator in carrying out administrative responsibilities and meeting program goals.
JOB ID. #9680963 | Application closes 3/28/2025
No current openings.
Learn more about AS Student Officer positions.
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