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Student-Parent Resources

Contained below are student-parent resources and services that can help support a student parent's path to their degree.  Some of these programs and services are housed at Sonoma State and some are from our surrounding community, state or federal governments.  Learn more about the rights of students who are pregnant, parenting, or nursing (including lactation accommodation).


On-Campus Resources

The Children's School is a program of Sonoma State University Associated Students that provides high quality early childhood education services to children of SSU students, staff, and faculty families. Learn more about the Children's School.

CalFresh (SNAP) is a nutrition program that helps people buy food at the grocery store, local farmer’s market, or online via an EBT card. Eligible students may qualify for up to $292 per month! Our team helps guide people through the application process.

See if you qualify for benefits by completing the prescreen form

Learn more about the CalFresh application and benefits management process on our CalFresh Page.

Lobo’s Pantry is an on-campus food pantry, operated by the Associated Students Inc. of SSU. Lobo’s Pantry provides FREE food and hygiene products to all Sonoma State students. Students can shop in the pantry once a week (SSU ID required).

View location and open hours on our Lobo's Pantry Page.

Students who are parents will receive priority registration, and will be identified in two ways:

  1. Students who self-identify as having dependents on their admissions application will receive the pop-up message when logging into MYSSU. It will prompt you to certify that you are a student parent. Once you complete the dependent certification, you will be added to the priority registration group.
  2. Students who did not self-identify on the application, or had/adopted a child after their matriculation, will have the opportunity to add themselves to the priority group in question by utilizing the Peoplesoft modification. These students will not be notified via the pop-up message, but will have access to the dependent certification page.

For any questions, contact

Off-Campus Resources

If you work and have low income, you may qualify for the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC). This credit gives you a refund or reduces your tax owed. Filing your state tax return is required to claim this credit. Learn more about CalEITC.

If you qualify for CalEITC (see above) and have a child under the age of 6, you may also qualify for a refundable tax credit of up to $1000 through the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC)! If you qualify, you may see a reduced tax bill or a bigger refund. Learn more about YCTC.

Program that helps families across the state by providing nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy foods and referrals to health care and other community services. Learn more about WIC.

501c5 nonprofit resource for families, care providers and the community at large. The Community Child Care Council (4Cs) has been working since 1972 to ensure every child in Sonoma County has the care and early education they need. Learn more about the Sonoma County Community Child Care Council.

Medi-Cal provides free or low-cost health coverage for individuals (adults and children) and families who qualify. The program will pay for doctor visits, hospital care, immunization (vaccines), pregnancy-related services, nursing home care, and other services.