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Senate Agenda 3.16.22


Associated Students 

Sonoma State University 

AS Senate Meeting 

8:00 am - Wednesday, March 16th, 2022 

Erin Fisher Room, 2nd Floor Student Center 


I. Call to Order & reading of the Land acknowledgement 

II. Roll Call 

III. Public Comment – pursuant to California Education Code 89306, the AS Senate provides this time for any member of the public to address the AS Senate on any item affecting higher education. Pursuant to California Education Code 89306(b), each speaker will be allowed no more than three (3) minutes to address the AS Senate. IV. Guest – Monir Ahmed, SSU VP of Administration & Finance 

V. Liaison Report to the Senate 

a. Academic Senate Designee 

b. University President’s Designee 

VI. Reports 

a. Student Government Coordinator 

b. Executive Director 

c. AS Strategic Planning & Assessment Committee 

d. AS Audit & Rules Committee 

VII. Business 

a. AS-BI 04.21.22 Approval of the Finance Committee recommended revision to the 2021/22 Budget (Action) i. Discussion 

ii. Action 

b. AS-BI 04.20.22 Resolution to commit the corporation to registering 100% of the students of the Sonoma State to vote (Discussion) 

i. Discussion 

c. AS-BI 05.20.22 Discussion on AS election recruiting (Discussion) 

i. Discussion 

VIII. Items for the Good of the Order 

IX. Adjournment 

Posted in accordance with the Gloria Romero Open Meeting Law of 2000 by: _____________________________ Chair of the Senate, Noelia Brambila 

All electronic meetings and teleconferencing shall be conducted exclusively on the Sonoma State Zoom platform, accessible to all students through their Sonoma State login. Any guest may access the meeting using the link provided at the top of the agenda.